Green: Multispecies Entanglings
Concerning reciprocal relations with the living world; the plants, animals, landscapes, and other beings with whom we share this planet.
Produced by FoAM, as part of the Anarchive
Published by Stichting Liminous
CC-BY-SA 2023 CE
Editors: Maja Kuzmanović, Nik Gaffney, Justin Pickard, Theun Karelse, and Maya Weeks
Design: FoAM & Colin O’Brien
Contributors: Rasa Alksnyte, Sepideh Ardelani, Mihaela Brebenel, Ron Broglio, Alkan Chipperfield, Jura-Anastasia De Wel, Cocky Eek, Taru Elfving, Adam Flynn, Dave Griffiths, Auriea Harvey, Wilfried Houjebek, Andrew Danah Hudson, John D. Liu, Lina Kusaite, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Anna-Maria Orru, Paul Graham Raven, Patricia de Ruijter, Michaël Samyn, Suprabha Seshan, Jay Springett, Maki Ueda, Sarena Ulibarri, Ingrid Vranken, Phoebe Wagner, Brontë Wieland, Elvia Wilk, and Stevie Wishart.
Created within a tangle of FLOSS using Apache, Emacs, Etherpad, Gimp, Inkscape, Jitsi, LibreOffice, Mattermost, Nextcloud, Pandoc, Python, Scribus, Soupault, Zotero (etc) and held together with spare unicode.
Typeset in CSS with Baskervville and IBM Plex Sans.
With thanks to the FoAM network, and all the animate, inanimate and partially animate contributors who have knowingly or unknowingly been involved in the design and production of the Anarchive. This publication would not have been possible without you.