Hexecutable Method

Francesca da Rimini

The method behind Hexecutable # query sybilline. These spells can be performed gradually, over a number of days, weeks, years.

Spell %1 Generation

00 light a candle and burn Frankincense, Cedarwood and Myrrh
01 set a timer for 23 minutes and play music that guides you into the zone
02 make a stack of 6 books whose spines sing, then shuffle the stack 3 times
03 using a prime number chart, write every 3rd prime between 1 and the maximum number of pages from the longest book in your stack
04 open the top book to the first (3rd) prime number, transcribe some words that speak to you, then place the book on the bottom of the stack and cross the used prime off the list
05 repeat Rule 04 with the remaining books in turn, using the next fresh prime each time
06 shuffle the stack and repeat Rule 04 twice, resetting the 23-minute time as necessary
07 add one more book, shuffle the stack 3 times with closed eyes, repeat Rules 04 and 05
08 repeat rule 07 twice (giving you a total of 9 books)
09 swap out 3 books from the stack of 9 with 3 new books, shuffle, repeat Rules 04 and 05

Spell %2 Transformation

00 light a candle and burn Frankincense, Cedarwood and Myrrh
01 set a timer for 23 minutes and play music that guides you into the zone
02 read the final result of the Rules aloud 3 times
03 set a timer for 9 minutes, shuffle and reshuffle the lines intuitively
04 go outside (if you are inside) and read the result aloud 3 times
05 imagine the text as an onion skin; swap the first line (alpha) with the last (omega), continuing until you reach the centre
06 read aloud once
07 preserving the order of the lines, imagine this as a conversation between 3 oracles; shuffle the lines 3 times and divide the result into ‘stanzas’, each comprised of 3 lines
08 set a timer for 6 minutes, rearrange the oracles’ conversation as you please (while discarding redundant words and changing verb tenses) preserving only the tripartite form of the stanzas
09 find a tranquil place outside (garden, park, creek, hill, mountain, ocean, desert) or, if the weather is wild, then inside, and read the text aloud 3 times while walking in a circle, changing direction as you finish reading the final line of each stanza

Ritual %3 Hexecution

00 at twilight on Dark Moon, light a candle and burn Frankincense, Cedarwood and Myrrh
01 transcribe or print each line of the text, with each line on its own paper sliver
02 choose a receptacle of glass or metal
03 place all of the slivers in a glass or metal receptacle
04 glean a small branch or sturdy twig from nearby, or far away
05 stir the slivers in the receptacle  6 times in a clockwise direction, then 3 times in an anticlockwise direction
06 remove 3 slivers and place them beside you to the left, remove 3 slivers and place them beside you to the right, remove 3 slivers and place them in front of you
07 shuffle the slivers, then place them face down in a pattern that calls you to it
08 turn over a sliver, read it aloud, and return it to the pattern face up
09 repeat Rule 08 until each word is visible, then incant the lines in the reverse order

Sometimes a spell requires further work. Perhaps you become be aware of this intuitively. Maybe you receive explicit guidance through a dream. Or you watch some witchlings at play and begin to mirror their incantations and gestures. Necessity is the witch-mother of invention. Your spell will (re)cast itself in this way.
