Weather in Nursery Rhymes

Sarah Neville

Weatherlore rhymes collected for Weatherlore residencies

Tale of a child and her family of weathermakers from foam on Vimeo.

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the raindrops and washed poor spider out
Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain
So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.

Matt and Florence at Oratunga Sheep Station, Flinders Ranges, 2015

Doctor Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain
He stepped in a puddle right up to his middle

and never went there again.

Here we go round the Mulberry bush
, Mulberry bush, Mulberry bush.
Here we go round the Mulberry bush, 

On a cold and frosty morning.

Florence and Maja, Castelletto Parenzana, Brkač, 2013

I hear thunder, I hear thunder. 

Hark don’t you? Hark don’t you?

Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops, 

I’m wet through, so are you!

I see blue skies, I see blue skies.
Way up high, way up high. 

Hurry up the sunshine, hurry up the sunshine.
We’ll soon dry, we’ll soon dry.

Rain, rain, go away.

Sun come out so I can play.

Rain, rain, go and hide.

Let’s have sunshine countrywide.