Weatherlore Auguries
Weatherlore proverbs collected for Weatherlore residencies
Atmospheric Auguries
- When the sky is full of cliffs and towers, the earth’s refreshed by frequent showers.
- When the forest murmurs and the mountain roars, close your windows and shut your doors.
- Sound travels far and wide. A strong day will betide.
- Post nubila phoebus. Sun comes after the rain.
Spectral Auguries
- Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight. Red sky in morning, shepherd take warning.
- The evening’s red, the morning’s grey are tokens of a bonny day.
- Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera. Rosso di mattina, piogga s’ avvicina. Red in the evening, hope for nice weather. Red in the morning, rain is coming.
- Rainbow in the morning. Sailors take warning. Rainbow at night. Sailors delight.
Animal Auguries
- If bees stay at home, rain will soon come. If they flay away, fine will be the day.
- When ants travel in a straight line, expect rain; when they scatter, expect fair weather.
- Gulls fly inland when a storm is coming.
- If rooster crows to bed, he'll certainly rise with a watery head.
- Mackerel skies and mares’ tails, soon will be time to shorten sails.
- Šišmiš leti kasno, sutra vrijeme krasno. The bat flies late, tomorrow wonderful weather.
Što mi je s svijetom, to mi je s cvijetom. What happens to my world, happens to my flower.
Botanical Auguries
- When leaves show their undersides, be very sure that rain betides.
- When leaves fall early, fall and winter will be mild. When leaves fall late, winter will be severe.
- Flowers bloomin' in late autumn, a sure sign of a bad winter comin'.
- Onion skins very thin, mild winter coming in. Onion skins thick and tough, coming winter cold and rough.
- A tough winter is ahead if: corn husks are thick and tight… apple skins are tough… berries and nuts are plentiful… bees build their nests high in the trees.
Seasonal Auguries
- Una bedda jurnata nun fa stati. One beautiful day doesn't make a summer.
- Što leto pocepa, to zima ne okrpi. What the summer rips, the winter doesn't fix.
- The moon and the weather may change together. But a change of the moon will not change the weather.
Burrasca furiusa prestu passa. Furious storm passes quickly.