Warping Time Frames

Justin Pickard, Maja Kuzmanović & Nik Gaffney

Arrows and circles, warps and whorls; instances of movement from linear time to something else.

Appeals to tend to the transient and overlooked sit uneasily with the rhythms and structures of linear clock time, its relentless succession and forward-leaning drive. To tend and attend to such things, we may need to expend effort (individually or as part of a collective) to tweak, warp, or reroute time; speeding up or slowing down the forward flows in which we otherwise find ourselves, wading, tugged by, or actively pushing against.

In this, we need not stand by, caught in the riptide, passive victims of the calendar, clock, or Gantt chart. We might succeed by 'cheating the clock', finding ways to spend or borrow time in ways that go against the grain, destabilising organisational strictures and scaffolds.There are many situations in which we might want to pass, stretch, or hold time – to learn from problems, become absorbed in a creative pursuit, respond to unexpected ruptures in the usual flow of time (due to illness, natural disaster, a particularly joyful or poignant encounter)…

Time has two aspects. There is the arrow, the running river, without which there is no change, no progress, or direction, or creation. And there is the circle or the cycle, without which there is chaos, meaningless succession of instants, a world without clocks or seasons or promises.
Ursula K. Le Guin

Being fully immersed in the present moment can make us comfortable with uncertainty of not knowing what the next moment will bring. The Dance of Not-Knowing The river of linear time can be 'tricked' into pooling around situations that benefit from its temporary suspension. We can let the scheduled time whoosh past while we lay fallow Fallowing (or flat Lying Flat). We can follow the cyclical flow of seasons and hours of daylight. Planning with the Seasons When we find ourselves thrown about in the rapids of a transition, we can experiment with ways to navigate through its turbulent phases. Traversing Transitions And sometimes, we will find ways to step outside of time altogether. Teetering on the edge of a hole in time, we can learn to let ourselves fall. Timelessness
