Silver: [Re]imagining technologies


Produced by FoAM, as part of the Anarchive

Published by Liminous editions

CC-BY-SA 2025 CE

Editors: Maja Kuzmanović, Nik Gaffney, and Justin Pickard

Design: FoAM & Colin O’Brien

Contributors: Alisa Andrašek, V Barratt, Belinda Barnett, Tim Boykett, Paulina Casas Lias García, Tim Cowlishaw, Cocky Eek, Matt Fuller, Amber Griffiths, Dave Griffiths, Martin Howse, Theun Karelse, Michelle Kasprzak, Alex McLean, Marko Peljhan, Paul Prudence, Paul Graham Raven, Kate Rich, Francesca da Rimini, Andrew Sempere, Femke Snelting, Renske Maria van Dam, Sha Xin Wei, &c.

Created within a tangle of FLOSS using Apache, Emacs, Etherpad, Gimp, Inkscape, Jitsi, LibreOffice, Mattermost, Nextcloud, Pandoc, Python, Scribus, Soupault, Cytoscape, Zotero (etc) and held together with spare unicode.

Typeset in CSS with Baskervville and IBM Plex Sans.

With thanks to the FoAM network, and all the animate, inanimate and partially animate contributors who have knowingly or unknowingly been involved in the design and production of the Anarchive. This publication would not have been possible without you.