“Green” tea

Similar to the rainbow pasta, this tea has a shockingly bright colour. Its name is deceptive: it is not actually green tea, but green-coloured lemongrass powder tea. We bought the tea at a market in Siem Reap, Cambodia, where the seller assured us that the powder was genuine without any additives. But without a transparent supply chain, we will never know. The dish illustrates the proliferation of greenwashing in globalised food markets.



Pour boiling water over the lemongrass powder. Let it steep for about ten minutes. Filter the tea trough a coffee filter. Add stevia and lime juice to taste.


Transparent plastic shot-glasses.


Lemon grass powder from the central market at Siem Reap, Cambodia. Stevia and lime juice came from the Bioplanet supermarket.


This recipe is part of 🍴Food Futures